




1. McFadyen, J. S.; Stevens, T. S. J. Chem. Soc. 1936, 584. Thomas S. Stevens (1900-) was born in Renfrew, Scotland. After earning his Ph.D. under W. H. Perkin at Oxford University, he became a reader at the University of Sheffield. J. S. McFadyen (1908-) was born in Toronto, Canada. After studying under Stevens at the University of Glasgow, he worked for ICI for 15 years before returning to Canada where he worked for the Canadian Industries, Ltd., Montreal. (ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries)是英国帝国化学工业集团的简称,其前身是英国卜内门公司(Brunner Mond&Co)是闻名的纯碱与肥料的制造厂商,是一个全球性的化工集团,是财富世界500强企业之一、全球最大的建筑装饰漆供应商之一,在全球化工行业名列前十。ICI成立于1926年,由当时英国4间最大的化工公司合并而成,总部设在英国。该公司于2008年正式被荷兰皇家阿克苏诺贝尔公司(来威漆母公司)收购。)

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11. Jaisankar, P.; Pal, B.; Giri, V. S. Synth. Commun. 2002, 32, 2569.

编译自:Name Reactions (A Collection of Detailed Reaction Mechanisms), Jie Jack Li, McFadyen–Stevens reduction,page 354-355.