








1. (a) Dess, D. B.; Martin, J. C. J. Org. Chem. 1983, 48, 41554156. James Cullen (J.C.) Martin (1928-1999) had a distinguished career spanning 36 years both at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Vanderbilt University. J. C.’s formal training in physical organic chemistry with Don Pearson at Vanderbilt and P. D. Bartlett at Harvard prepared him well for his early studies on carbocations and radicals. However, it was his interest in understanding the limits of chemical bonding that led to his landmark investigations into hypervalent compounds of the main group elements. Over a 20-year period the Martin laboratories successfully prepared unprecedented chemical structures from sulfur, phosphorus, silicon and bromine while the ultimate“Holy Grail” of stable pentacoordinate carbon remained elusive. Although most of these studies were driven by J. C.’s fascination with unusual bonding schemes, they were not without practical value. Two hypervalent compounds, Martin’s sulfurane (for dehydration) and the Dess-Martin periodinane have found widespread application in synthetic organic chemistry. J. C. Martin and his student Daniel Dess developed this methodology at the University of Illinois at Urbana. (Martin’s biography was kindly supplied by Prof. Scott E. Denmark). 【James Cullen (J.C.) Martin (1928-1999)在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和范德堡大学的36年时间里取得了辉煌的成绩。他早期在范德堡大学Don Pearson处和哈佛大学P. D. Bartlett 处进行的有关物理有机化学的训练为他以后在碳正离子和自由基方面的研究做了充足的准备。而他对于化学键的兴趣促使他对主族元素的高价化合物进行了里程碑意义的研究。在20年的时间里 Martin 实验室成功的制备了硫,磷,硅和溴的史无前例的化学结构,但终极“圣杯”五配位体碳化合物仍需要进一步研究。尽管大部分的研究都是因为J. C.对于非常规键合的着迷,但这些研究并不是没有实用价值。其中两种高价化合物, Martin硫(用于脱氢反应)和Dess-Martin高碘烷在有机合成中有着广泛的应用。J. C. Martin和他的学生Daniel Dess在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校发现了此种氧化剂。】(b) Dess, D. B.; Martin, J. C. J. Am.Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 7277-7287.

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编译自:J.J. Li, Name Reactions: A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications, Dess-Martin periodinane oxidation,page 206-208.